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program biostrateg

How it works

BIOCHP Project

The aim of the project is to develop and prepare to implementation the cogeneration boiler based on a gas turbine, which utilizes the energy and heat production technology from micronized waste biomass


Biomass is the third largest in the world natural source of energy. According to the EU definition the biomass means the biodegradable fraction of products, waste and residues from biological origin from agriculture (including vegetal and animal substances), forestry and related industries including fisheries and aquaculture, as well as the biodegradable, fraction of industrial and municipal waste.

Biomass micronization

Micronization is a process of reducing the diameter of a solid material's particles to a very fine powder < 100 microns in diameter. The process of fragmentation is physical in character and at that time no chemical reaction is taking place. Therefore, there is no need for any catalysts, or no by-products are created. Therefore, the starting material has the same qualitative – quantitative composition as a material subjected to fragmentation.

Combustion of micronized biomass

Reproducible quality and energy performance - through the small size particles of combustion similar to the combustion gas. The energy potential of straw is significant. The chemical energy of 1 kg of straw containing 15% moisture is approximately 14.3 MJ, which is equivalent to chemical energy of 0.81 kg of firewood or 0.41m3 of high natural gas. The combustion of biomass micronized increases efficiency by reducing losses of unburned particles. Overall efficiency exceeds 90%.

The innovativeness

The innovativeness of the above mention solutions will rely on a combination of micronization set, the gas and dust turbine set, and hybrid boiler set, which will allow for direct, in-line transformation of biomass into electricity and heat.

Gas turbine

The boiler will be able to operate on fuel oil and / or gas (depending on the choice of the strategic market area) and microdust biofuel. It will also be generated by the heat in the form of air from the outlet of the turbine.


Cogeneration, or combined heat and power (CHP) units based on biomass are ideal, wherever there is a need for the simultaneous production of electricity and heat. The possibility of using different types of gas fuel is makes it even more functional.



Unique solution
on a global scale

The Project concerns the energy and heat production using micronized biofuels made in the process that hasn’t been known (outside the sphere of research) in Poland, and that doesn’t have its counterpart in the world. The innovativeness of the above mention solutions will also rely on a combination of micronization set, the gas and dust turbine’s set, and hybrid boiler set, which will allow for direct, in-line transformation of biomass into electricity and heat. The boiler will be able to operate on fuel oil and / or gas (depending on the choice of the strategic market area) and microdust biofuel. It will also be generated by the heat in the form of air from the outlet of the turbine. Currently, there are no boilers with a hybrid burner for oil, gas and microdust.


The project’s scope includes conducting research and development works aimed at the construction of the cogeneration boiler prototype, testing the electricity and heat production as well as preparation the technology for implementation.



BIOSTRATEG - the strategic R&D programme "Environment , agriculture and forestry " is managed by National Centre for Research and Development (NCRD). In addition to raising international of the Polish R&D, the aim of the programme is to transfer innovative solutions developed by scientists benefiting from NCRD support to the socio-economic environment. The implementation of the programme also gives the opportunity to increase the participation of Polish research teams in the projects and initiatives under the EU Horizon 2020 programme

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Financing program

Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju jest agencją wykonawczą Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego. Powołane zostało latem 2007 roku jako jednostka realizująca zadania z zakresu polityki naukowej, naukowo-technicznej i innowacyjnej państwa. W momencie powstania było pierwszą jednostką tego typu, stworzoną jako platforma skutecznego dialogu między środowiskiem nauki i biznesu.

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